Make your home page and use it for all your searches. There is an add-on for Safari, Chrome, and Firefox called Gumdrop. It saves you money while helping our project. Once you add it, every time you shop online Goodshop Gumdrop will search through more than 500,000 coupons/deals to automatically bring you the best discounts wherever you shop online. A portion of each participating sale will be automatically donated to the choir for FREE!
Every purchase you make at any one of Giving Assistant’s 3,000+ popular online retailers can be transformed into a meaningful donation to Golden Chamber Choir. Giving Assistant shoppers earn an average of $700 cash back on their purchases every year. Then, they donate a portion of their earnings to organizations they value. Sign up today to unlock great deals like exclusive Sears coupons, as well as free donation opportunities at retailers like Aliexpress, Kohls, and eBay.
Support the choir by using your rewards card. To Use the King Soopers Card go to http://www.kingsooperscom. One you have logged in, you can search for Golden Concert Choir by name or MW901 and then click Enroll. New users will need to create an account which requires some basic information, a valid email address and a rewards card. For more information please email the choir at and we will assist you.
The next concert will be in December. Stay tuned for more information Address is 1320 Arapahoe St., Golden Use 14th Street Door.